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Teeth Cleaning for Kids in West Monroe, LA

Ensuring your children’s teeth are clean is one of the most important parts of keeping your child healthy. Many health problems that seem unrelated to dental hygiene can be traced back to your child’s teeth. At Snaggle Dental in West Monroe, LA, we know it can be a challenge to encourage your kids to keep their teeth clean and healthy which is why our suite of pediatric dentistry services are designed specifically for the entire family. Besides providing your children with a top notch, professional cleaning every six months, we also offer guidance and tips for families at home. Getting your children used to the habit of clean teeth is excellent, especially at a young age. For more information on our cleaning services, read below and don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more. We look forward to having you and your child to our pediatric dentist practice.

The Teeth Cleaning Process

At Snaggle Dental, we follow a process for cleaning your children’s teeth while also instructing them on the importance of keeping their teeth healthy. Any good pediatric dental practice should be telling your kids how important their teeth are to their overall health. We make the cleaning process fun and interactive. The first thing we do is show them the proper technique for brushing. We then use professional equipment to examine and then clean your child’s teeth. We floss, brush, and scrape off any plaque and build up we see around your child’s gum line. For younger patients, the parents or guardians are in the room the entire time. This is designed to ensure you are getting the information as well as your children.

An Effective And Gentle Team

Many people, including adults are afraid of the dentist because they find the idea of someone poking around in their mouth uncomfortable or painful. The same feeling can be attributed to younger patients as well. At Snaggle Dental, we ensure our entire staff is well experienced with working with young patients and remain gentle and nurturing throughout the cleaning experience. We never want your child to feel scared or uncomfortable. Our goal is to help them see the importance of keeping their teeth clean from a young age.

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Clean At Home

In addition to providing cleanings and exams here at our office in West Monroe, we also provide families with information and guides for keeping your child’s teeth clean at home. Because normal dental appointments only happen every six months, it is vital you are helping your child remain consistent with dental care at home. Follow these tips for ensuring good dental hygiene for your children:

  • Always brush for the full two minutes and help your children if their brushing technique is not correct.
  • For younger children, help them floss to ensure proper technique.
  • Be sure to replace your child’s toothbrush every few months—bristles get old and ineffective, especially if your child is biting or chewing the bristles.
  • Speak with one of our team members about the best toothpaste to use. We provide fluoride treatments for all our pediatric patients.
  • Instruct your child to never swallow toothpaste, always rinse your mouth with water following brushing.


Contact the teeth cleaning professionals in West Monroe, LA, today.