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Fun, Safe, and Caring Staff of Professionals

Snaggle Dental was created to help kids get the dental services they need and to feel comfortable while getting them. Our friendly and professional staff have been trained to help educate them about the procedures they are going through and how to take care of their teeth and gums at home. We love assisting kids to retain their best smile possible!

Dental Services Offered at Snaggle Dental

We at Snaggle Dental have dedicated ourselves to providing the best, most comfortable care to your child. We do this by hiring a friendly and professional staff and having a state of the art facility for kids. From their first appointment to their adulthood, we strive to give them their best smile for years to come.

First Dental Appointments

First Dental Appointments

The team at Snaggle Dental is prepared to help even the tiniest little ones with their first appointment. Early preventative care is vital to how your child’s teeth and gum develop. Children can develop mild inflammation in their gums from thumb sucking and other oral habits which will affect the way their teeth and jawlines are formed.

Emergency Dental Care

Cleaning Exams

Having your child get their teeth cleaned on a six-month schedule helps them to avoid early tooth decay. This routine will help prevent the deterioration from manifesting in cavities and daily discomfort. Our professionally-trained staff will help them stay happy and healthy when giving these routine cleanings.

Cleaning Exams


Undiagnosed and untreated cavities affect almost a quarter of children in the US. Untreated cavities can cause oral infections and abscesses. Our team will also help with fight these cavities by offering sealants for their teeth as added protection. The sealant is plastic material that will protect their young teeth and enamel from acids and plaque.



When a cavity has so severely damaged your child’s tooth, it may be time for them to get a crown. This procedure will help protect their mouth and allow for the proper space and healthy environment for their adult teeth to breach. The crowned tooth will fall out naturally when the adult tooth is ready.



We should start by saying that the staff at Snaggle Dental will do everything possible before resorting to extraction. Your child’s oral health is our top priority. But once a tooth is too far gone from cavities or infections, we will have to remove it to help with their future adult teeth.


Emergency Dental Care

Accidents happen especially with children. Snaggle Dental is here for you and your child when they need emergency dental care. We are equipped to help with all emergency repairs they made need. Stop into the office today and let us help you and your child retain their best smile.

Grow Up with a
Happy, Healthy Smile